Thursday, August 22, 2013

A new portrait frontal after a long hiatus.

So, out of the blue I got another crack at frontals in the park.  This time I tried to get it closer to the newer technique that's being used for them.  If there's anything I like about this method, is that it does look pretty damn good once you get it down to a good degree.  It's got a much more painterly look to it that you wouldn't normally get without building up the values this way.  I still gotta get the time down on these, and there's a few things I still need to experiment with and improve upon but I like the direction these are starting to head into.   I do need to watch the size of the heads past the eyes though.  It's really easy to run yourself into caricatureville if you're not careful.  It might be as simple as doing a loose sketch of the overall shape and then adding the block-in for the eyes so as to use that as a potential measuring point.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The late Freddy Mercury

Still playing around with the figure and gesture a bit, and also playing with exaggeration a bit too.  I think I'm beginning to realize that I prefer to exaggerate "within reason", meaning not too much, but just enough to where it's not confused for a portrait.  I think it worked out pretty well.  This was done with prismacolor art stix along with markers, a white gel pen, and a white acrylic marker.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Batgrrrrrrrrrrrrl, Batgirl!

Just had to go with that title.  That theme song is so corny it's great!  I figured that I should work with a celebrity this time that involved a figure and gesture so I went with Yvonne Craig's Batgirl from the 60's Adam West Batman series.  She was part of season 3 along with Eartha Kitt as Catwoman, matter of fact they both had their share of run-ins on the show.  I found this one very fun to work on, and it also gave me an excuse to give that white acrylic marker a go on a more serious drawing.  It made for some great effects on that suit, especially when gone over with different colors.